Thursday, September 25, 2008

Friday's WOD - Run Amok or Not

For Friday's WOD we are going to offer a couple of choices depending on if you are joining us on Saturday for Fight Gone Bad or not.

FGB WARMUP: Run a 5K at a comfortable, relaxed pace today as a nice warmup for Saturday's FGB. The 5K track is our mile loop so you can scale if you only want to do 2 miles or stop for water at the box on each lap

For the Rest That Can't Make FGB: Three 1-mile intervals for time. Rest 4-5 minutes between.



Coach Tanner said...

Don't forget to wear CFAI gear tomorrow so we will stand out from all the other CFit tribes. Navy blue, royal blue, red, white - whatever shirt you have!

toggle26 said...

One lap B4 frame pains. richard

Chris said...

Leaving to go out of town today. Me, Mary and both kids would love to do Fight Gone Bad with all of you tomorrow. Make us proud!

Coach Lane said...

Drive safe Chris and family. 5k??? What? Good work to all who took this on AND did FGB. Way to go guys!