Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Surf in this weather?--You Bet!!!

Classic Crossfit Warm Up
10 KB Swings
15 Air Squats
20 Ab Mats
3 Rounds

Skill/ Sport
Max Height Box Jump
Add Rubber Plates To Plyo Box until Failure
Power Clean Review

800 Meter Run
21 Power Cleans 155#/95#
3 Rounds


Andre said...

Forgot to write it on the board
26:03 95# (did 115# the first round, but I didn't want to be there all morning)

Roy said...

23:30 @ 135#

TG said...

FANTASTIC job by 6pm crew on a very taxing workout! I am always so amazed at the attitude and the effort...you make me want to work harder! Thanks:)

Coach Lane said...

Big class...beautiful work. Love seeing those Long Slow Distance efforts. LSD usually doesn't go with Cleans...glad to see that we are confusing your bodies to no end...