Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010 - Endurance Day

Start of 2010 Walt Disney Marathon...37 degrees and raining!

Thursday AM or Endurance WOD: Please try to bring a watch!!!

600m Row
20 Push-ups
15 Stepping High Knees
15 Side Lunges
(2 Rounds)

WOD: Interval Training
**Each run will start behind gym and head towards Lime, then left on Lime St. Turn back when you hear the whistle. We will start each run together.
3:00 minute run (1:30 out, 1:30 back)
10 Jumping Dips (outside) and Rest
2:00 minute run (1:00 out, 1:00 back)
1:00 minute run (0:30 out, 0:30 back)
10 Pull-ups (outside) and Rest
0:30 minute run (0:30 out, jog/walk back)
0:30 minute run (0:30 out, jog/walk back)
10 Pull-ups (outside) and Rest
1:00 minute run (0:30 out, 0:30 back)
2:00 minute run (1:00 out, 1:00 back)
10 Jumping Dips and Rest
3:00 minute run (1:30 out, 1:30 back)

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