Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4/29/08 WOD



Thrusters (M=95, W=55)

for time...

6:30 holding Strong!


toggle26 said...

7:36 with 55 lbs. Had to stop three times during the 21 set, twice during the 15 set and once during the 9 set. Low back is sore now. Sheet on wall says 9:07 for Fran and I think that was with 45 lbs. Picked up 1:31. Does anyone know the date of last Fran? richard

joe waldrop said...

13:50 or around that, with 95 for the first 21 thrusters, then 75. No form, no oxygen, no excuses because I will do better next time.

Coach Tanner said...

Way to Go Katy - real pullups for all rounds. Outstanding! You should be proud. Take a picture of that blister - you earned it!

LT - 55lb. Double jumping pullups.

Thanks to all who helped clean and start to remodel the "SandBox."

CD said...

rediculous--fully shot after the first 7 thrusters! 11:32 rx'd, Go Katy!!

apetroy said...

13:40 55lb. Double jumping pullups.
Leslie - The sandbox looks great!

katybug said...

Today I feel like I reached a goal that I set for myself a while back. I have been practicing pullups on the side for some time and have been waiting for the day when I say "this is it, the day I go for it" and today with Fran was that day. I am quite sure that my chin didn't crest the bar everytime but it's a start. I have really discovered that kipping pullups are so much more about form and practice than about strength (kind of like golf). LT thanks for the props and tonight I will be nursing my battle wounds. FRAN 7:32

kaze2tt said...

9:20 55lbs. had to stop between #8 and #9 of the last set of thrusters, out of gas .. did manage to pick up bar and go again ... got it done, not pretty


kate w said...

CONGRATULATIONS katy! way to go. that is awesome. i hear your blister is pretty big - but what a battle wound.

4:52 55lb thrusters. i did not do double pull-ups becuase this was my first fran and doug wanted me to have a bench mark.

Leigh Ann said...

Katy, I didn't know you did real pullups today. I would have congratulated you. Good Job!!!
I think that is so cool.

Alyson said...

This was a tough workout for sure. I did double jumping pull-ups and 55# thrusters in 8:53. I guess that was not too bad. I was disappointed at first, but after talking to Doug and Chad I realized it was pretty good. My forearms have been getting a crazy swell from all the pull-ups. It happened last night too. It hurts, but goes away fairly quickly, so I guess it's okay, but it is so intense at times during the workout I wanted to scream! Gotta love CrossFit.
On another personal note, I can see that my eating is hindering me. Therefore, I am looking forward to getting myself on the Zone Diet very soon and hoping to see huge results with it. I know it will make a difference and I'll keep you posted.

Taylor said...

Alyson, definitely give the Zone a try. My wife, Katie and I have been doing it now for over three weeks and...I never thought I'd say this...but I love it. I really don't feel like I'm on a diet (compared to other diets out there). The Zone way of eating just makes sense to me and I've never felt better.

I know there are a few others around that are on the Zone as well. Feel free to ask questions and good luck!

Coach Lane said...

No doubt about it...great times and great efforts today.

I think everyone either decreased time or increased weight.

Fran is one of the toughest girls I know. For me...the most challenging in a hatefully/loving way. I am proud to say that I have probably done the workout over 10 times - most of them improving each time. I am expecting nothing less from each CFAI student!!! The pressure is on.

Each time you complete Fran - please continue to remind yourself of your time. "It is only xx minutes". I CAN DO THIS. You will be surprised how 'fast' (yes fast) you can get with this mental outlook.

Today was a PR for me as well -

Very excited about it.

DON_M said...

That was great a great work out! Although time was 16+ - I used 95 lbs and all pull ups (or, per Chad "Rx"). First time for the heavy weight. I was able to keep great form on everything. Very little soreness in quads today.

Kate - thank you for bringing tape last night for the PU bar, that is the ticket, now ANYONE can do pull ups!!!
