Thursday, April 17, 2008

3/18/08 WOD

21-15-9 reps of:
L1M = 135 pounds, L2M = 95, L3W = 75/55
L1W = 75, L2W = 55, L3W = 45/35
Ring Dips

(if jumping dips, need to yes, double dip)


joe waldrop said...

13:23 with 135 and double jumping dips. In several named workouts the 21,15,9 rountine is used, is there a biological benefit from this compared to 15,15,15.

toggle26 said...

Did cleans with 65 lbs - can't recall time but sure it was slowest. double jump dips made shoulder joints sore already. richard

Biagini said...

today was pretty hard for me, i am really struggling with the form of the cleans. i really appreciate all the positive encouragment i got today, it makes such a difference in getting me through.

Alyson said...

This was a great workout. I must say that I usually appreciate a good double dip, but today I would have been fine with the single! Seriously, though, the dip killed me. I hope I can extend my arms to reach my bike handles tomorrow. I did 65# and double dips in 12:28.

kaze2tt said...

12:38 (maybe, something close to that) w/ 55 lbs. & double jumping dips. Felt good at the time, back a little stiff & sore now.


apetroy said...

The warmup was a workout in itself! The double dips are truly killers.
45# double dips 11:36

Good Luck to all your that are biking tomorrow! I hope the rain holds off and you have a safe and fun trip.

CD said...

yea-yea..Dougs clinic b4 and after really helped with not be afraid to go a little lower. 105#--jumping double dips--10:10

Coach Lane said...

Great work on a tough workout today. As many of you now know...the shoulder stability within a ring dip is a huge component of the ring dip's success. Holding each jumping ring dip for 1-2 seconds will help you develop the shoulder stability needed to successfully dip.

As rx'ed - 135# - 11:27 - an unusually sucky time for me, so I am blaming it on the virus that is passing through me. I think Coach Russell (Chris) has the fastest time I have ever seen in a little under 7 minutes!!! He is a machine.

I am going to challenge the a.m. class to get your butts to the ground!!! I saw the p.m. class get close tonight and saw some exciting 'glimmers' of hope when we lightened the weight. I think next time we all should drop off 10-20lbs and see if you can touch your butt with your heels on your "full clean". What do you guys think?

Joe, I really can't answer the question re: why we perform these types of reps physiologically within each workout. I can tell you Coach Glassman's story as it was told to me though. When experimenting in the early stages of CF in his garage (he had been kicked out of all the gyms he trained at due to using gymnastics moves and other moves that were considered 'contra-indicated'), he decided to try some different combination of exercises to see if they had any benefit. He placed Thrusters and pull-ups together for a workout (later to be called Fran). He got to 21 Thrusters and 21 Pull-ups and threw up. He had to wait a while before proceeding...but returned to the workout and did another 15 more of each and puked again. After recovering, he tried to surmount the task one last time... but only made it to 9. You guessed it....RALPH....

So...there you have it as it was told to me. Nothing scientific...just hard core workouts.

Coach Tanner said...

If none of us have thrown up, does it mean we are not wooking hard enough?

Coach Lane said...

LT - I think this would be a good test for you. I know you were kidding, but your are into this stuff. You are intense enough. Let's go for it. Try to work out so hard one day that you puke. (Challenge) I bet you CANT do it. Call me crazy...but now you have been called out. I am trying to take your little Cardio body and make into a FAST TWITCH, MUSCLE MACHINE. This means you are going to totally have to go against genetics and the way you NATURALLY would like to go. It is going to take a fast workout like Helen, Fran, or Elizabeth to ellicit such a 'negative' response. Puking is just your body's natural response to a stimulus that is overpowering in this case. Essentially, it is trying to create homeostasis, by shutting you down.

Let's see what happens...

DON_M said...

Another great work out! A deep catch on the cleans sure makes a better thrashing of the quads. I had to do the “dainty” double dipping; kind of felt like my scapula and rotator cuff were going to pop apart. Regardless, I need to work on that exercise – suggestions?