Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CF Kids - Wed - Sept 15

The "UP"....FGB kids version coming NEXT Saturday!
Warm up
5 Spider Jumps
10 Jumping Jacks
7 Overhead Squats with PVC
2 rounds
Squat Therapy
Boot Camp Obstacle Course:
army crawls
box jump progression
rope ascents
wall ascents
ladder drills
Target Practice
Wheel Barrow Race


Coach Lane said...

Wow!!! 17 kids!!! Incredible! Way to go TEAM. Katy...you are kickin' butt. Mom's and Coaches...keep 'em comin'. Great creativity.

In a time where adults are too busy... being busy... our kids get left to the Television. I think we would ALL agree that keeping our kids active and moving is so important. At CrossFit Amelia Island - our goal is to develop programming that keeps kids energized, healthy and all the while...having fun doing it. Form and function is such a keystone in CrossFit. There is no way our kids should be left out of this.

Thank you all for participating!

Alyson said...

I agree, Doug. CrossFit is something Owen and I are passionate about, so why wouldn't we pass that on to our kids? Mazana and Tristan had a blast yesterday and can't wait to hit it again next week!