Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CF Kids today!

Suzie Gray gettin' it Done!

The older kids (7-10) who we will refer to as the "big dogs" will do a modified FGB.

The little ones (4-6) who will be referred to as the "pups" will be doing:
3 forward rolls (with wedge)
3 backwards rolls (with wedge)
5 pull up progression
10 air squats
3 rounds (no time)

Warm up: Everyone
10 mountain climbers
5 broad jumps
Bear Crawl (down) High Knee Skip (back)

Duck Duck Goose
Leap Frog


katybug said...

Good job today everyone. The big dogs did Fight Gone Bad and the pups did a pup workout on their own. I just wanted to say thanks to all of the parents who have helped me, especially these first few classes when we are all still new at it. There were around 20 kids today so it has been awesome to see the class grow. I do want to stress safety with all the kids in the gym, there is a lot of equipment and ropes, rings, etc...that the kids love but could potentially injure themselves on. Next week I am going to dedicate some time before we get started talking to the kids about this. I want to always make sure that your little ones are safe above anything. Again thanks for all the support and your kids rock!

TG said...

Coach KT "rocks"! says Graham. Great job and the kids had a blast:) I think it could catch on quickly...

Coach Lane said...

Wow!!! I am so excited about this. THEY are our future.

What do you guys think....can we move to 2x/week??? Parents...I know you are reading this...please let us know your thoughts....
