Coach Lane with CrossFit founder Greg Glassman -
back in 2006 - when it first began for
CrossFit Amelia Island
back in 2006 - when it first began for
CrossFit Amelia Island
300 Jump Ropes
500m Row
30 PVC Pass Throughs
30 Sec Handstand
(2 rounds)
WOD: "Nancy"
400m Run
15 OHS
(3, 4, or 5 rounds)
Dudes = 55, 75, or 95 lbs
Ladies = 25, 45, or 65 lbs
Great workout!
15:12 75#
21:52 5x 25#
More weight next time.
75 lbs 16:43 vs 22:39 on 12-29-08 need to graduate to 95 lbs
Thanks to AJ from CF Quanico for coming in today.
Great group of 15 peeps. Thanks to everyone for sharing bars and personal space...also keeping the Fire Drill as organized as possible. Great looking OHS today! I can tell everyone is forcing form...and NOT weight.
hi from italy
Around 20 min (my watch stopped)
4 Rounds
45lbs (thanks to Wakumba I have a bar now!)
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