Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wednesday- April 22nd

Focused Cleaning! Way to go Tina!
Warm Up:
5 Burpees
10 Med Ball Chest passes against Wall
15 Snatch Balance
(3 rounds)

4 x 100m Sprint ladders

500 m Row
30 KB Swings - rotating side lunge
15 Pull-ups
300 m Row
20 KB Swings - rotating side lunge
20 Pull Ups
200 m Row
10 KB Swings
30 Pull Ups


joe waldrop said...

22:26 why does the hardest exercise with the most reps always come last?

kaze2tt said...

If you mean the pull-ups, Joe, I'm right there w/ you!

22:something, using 16kg kb & green band pull-ups (1 1/2 count)

my forearms are feeling every pull up!
