Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturday - Katie Ride for Life

What a fitting slogan for next week LT! :-)
Looking forward to some great WOD's!

It is finally here! The Katie Ride for Life. Many of you know that Katie Caples was a student of what was "Physiques Personal Training" and what is now "CrossFit Amelia Island". Katie was a fine student and excelled in track and field. When she tragically lost her life in a car accident; she was coming back from track practice in Jacksonville to Fernandina (near 9A and Hwy 17) and had an appointment scheduled with us the next day. The trainer who was working with Katie was Jeff Cervero. He was very actively involved with her mental and physical preparation for meets and an outstanding athletic career. Her death was a HUGE blow to us all. We honor her parents David and Susan Caples for their bravery and ability to see the good in everything. Some of us will never know what it means to lose a child...but the Caples family has done a truly beautiful thing developing this event in Katie's honor. Thank you Caples!
Ride: 8:00 a.m.
Picture: at Nassau Physical Therapy Booth - 7:30 a.m.
Suggestion: with over 500 riders...arrive to get your packet early - so you can take a picture with us!
Warm Up:
Ride 2 mi on bike at 90 r.p.m. - working up to 100 b.p.m
2 rounds of 800m Run - 400m walk in between efforts

50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
21 PVC Overhead Squats
(2 rounds)

100km or 50km Bike Ride for time
21 Hang Cleans - m=95lbs / w=55lbs
500m Row
21 Back Extensions
(3 rounds)

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