Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 2 - WOD

Makin' GHD's look easy...
Warm up:
200 Jump Rope
3 rounds Burgener Warm-up
2 rounds of 10 reps @ Moderate weight - Snatch

8 rounds - 3 reps
  • Try not to stop at all during Jump Rope - no breaks - let's see if anyone can get all 200 in a row without stopping. Count your misses...if any.
  • Truly work on depth of overhead squat position within the snatch
  • Think about a quick upper body movement, wrist flip, and close body position with bar.


joe waldrop said...

max weight was 125 but with awful form.

toggle26 said...

I think maybe Marti and I were on about 75 lbs at the end. I like doing this stuff [no running:)]. Wish we did it more often so memory loss was not the controling factor. richard

Taylor said...

Good times! Thanks for the snatch clinic Doug!

Coach Lane said...

As you can see...I am going to try and hold you guys back as long as I can from pushing weight. Form - 1st...weight later... If you feel yourself "pressing" out the weight overhead, this is an 'incorrect' move. Not only would the lift be considered, "NO GOOD (failed lift)" in a competition, but the failed technique is putting undo stress on the shoulder joint.

After posting a strong 'drive' phase from the initial pull, the transition phase from; a) the scarecrow postion to the b) overhead "catch" position should NOT be weight bearing (sp?) or loaded. As a athlete is lifting from the top of the chest to the overhead catch...the bar should be floating. This 'float' is caused from the extreme hip drive and driven from the jumping position.

If you find yourself NOT being able to catch the bar in a lock out postion...a couple things may be happening:
1) The weight is too heavy
2) The rotational speed of the bar is too slow
3) Not a strong enough hip drive
4) Not catching in a deep enough squat (hip flexion)

Try to visualize your handstand. Elbow locked. Shoulders elevated. Wrists extended. Abs tight. Low back tight. The upper body must remain rigid on the catch.