Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monday - Aug 3

20 wall ball anchored ab mats
20 back extensions
10 bar good mornings
Dead lift

Body Weight Dead lift Ladder
1 rep 1st min, 2 reps second min, 3 reps 3rd min, and so on until unable to continue, or unable to do # of reps for the current minute. Immediately upon failure, run one mile.


CrossFit Kids Rock!
10 PVC pass through
10 push ups
10 20 sec L-sit hold
15 air squats
3 rnds
2x10 Hang Clean w/ Bar
Hang Clean 100 reps
Ring Dip 100 reps
2000 meter row
Partition as necessary

Friday - July 31

20 ab mats
10 pull ups
3 rounds
800 meter run

21, 15, 9
Box Jump


15 air squats
15 back ext.
15 pass through
100 jump ropes
3 rnds
SDHP w/ bar
21 SDHP 75#
12 clapping push ups
200 meter run
(5 Rounds)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Christmas in July!

There are only 148 days left until Christmas, but you are getting an early present:
Crossfit Christmas in July!!!
Taylor Clark CFAI Trainer taking 12 Days of CrossFit to a 'New Level'...
This WOD is done with same Christmas spirit that lives in the song "The 12 Days of (Crossfit) Christmas"

1 Teeny Tiny Diamond Pushup
10 abmat situps
2 Tuck Jumps
10 abmat situps
3 Diver Downs
10 abmat situps
4 Air Squats
10 abmat situps
5 Kettle Bell Swings
10 abmat situps
6 Lunge Steps
10 abmat situps
7 Pullups
10 abmat situps
8 Burpees
10 abmat situps
9 Jumping Jacks
10 abmat situps
10 Supermen
10 abmat situps
11 Ball Slams
10 abmat situps
12 Box Jumps (with each box jump sing the final countdown of 12 Days of Crossfit Christmas with each land on the box)

The abmat situps are used to breakup each round. If this workout seems easy, then maybe you aren't remembering how the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" is structured. Ho-ho-holy moly!
No warmup needed. The WOD will slowly warm you up like a nice cup of warm eggnog while roasting chestnuts on an open fire.
Time to find out who's been naughty or nice with today's WOD!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Warm Up:
10 Front Rack Med Ball Lunges (20 steps)
10 Hip (not back) extensions
5 Push Ups
20 PVC Pass Throughs
(2 rounds)
"The Front Squat" - how to, when to, why to...
Front Squat

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Monday - July 27 - Rest Week is OVER!

"Beef is Good!" CF Coach Mark Rippetoe at
The Surf Restaurant, Fernandina Beach

Warm Up:
10 Push Ups
20 KB Swings (Light)
(4 Rounds)

WOD: "Fran"
  • Men - 95lbs - 75lbs - 55lbs
  • Women - 75lbs - 55lbs - 35lbs
  • Three rounds of: 21-15-9
Shoulder Press 5-5-5

Sunday - Rest Day!!! Get Ready for Monday

CrossFit SouthSide Clinic a Success!
Special thanks to Coach TJ Cooper and Justin Bergh for allowing me to help Coach their students in the art of the Clean and Jerk!
Notes from the Clean and Jerk Clinic - July 25, 2009:
Set - Up
Feet – Hip Width
Grip – slightly wider than shoulder and HOOK
Elbows – turned out
Shoulders – over the bar
Hips – higher than knees
Eyes – straight ahead
3 Position Clean
Mid Thigh
Mid Shin

1st Pull – to mid thigh
Feet stay flat
Arms straight
Elbows – turned out
Shoulders – over bar
Legs Extend while Chest is inflated and UP!

Transition (Double Knee Bend)
Hips move forward
Shoulders over bar

2nd Pull – JUMP!
Extends Hip Violently and Explosively in upward Jumping action
Onto balls of feet
Shoulder Shrug is a ‘reaction’ for CF’ers (Shoulders over bar)
Arms Straight
Feet – Jump Stance

3rd Pull – Pull Down – Under Bar – to receive
Jump feet and knees apart by pulling on barbell w/arms –“Land Stance”
Accelerate the decent under the bar to receive
Trunk is upright
Hips forced between feet
Receive bar upon shoulders
Violently force elbows up to Front Rack Position
Knees forward over toes
Eyes forward

Recovery – Front squat
Lifter rises immediately to standing
Stretch / Reflex
Chest and Elbow Elevated
Feet – Land Position

Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday - Carabbas and Turtle Prep

CrossFit South Side Clinic
Saturday 8a-11a
Clean and Jerk
Can you make it? Please confirm on the BLOG. Driving directions at

What is the difference in the Weightlifing Squat vs. the CrossFit Squat? Shoot for 3 wrong answers...and I promise NOT to make fun. Hope to see everyone at Justin's place tomorrow. I love it when they come to us for FGB and truly want to repay the LOVE!
Warm Up:
10 Pull Ups
10 Ab Mat Sit Ups
10 Air Squats
50m Jogging Butt Kickers
(3 rounds)
5k Run
  • Out the back door and down the alley
  • East on Jasmine
  • South on Citrona
  • West on Lime
  • Back down alley to back door = 1 mi
  • Run 3 laps
  • Self directed WOD - bring a stopwatch!!!!
  • BLOG your time

Friday - Rest Week - continues

Candid Camera at the Shrimp Fesitval Parade - Elizabeth McCrainie - sporting her cycling/pirate gear. All 8 Spin bikes were on a trailer - pulled by our CrossFit truck. What a FUN time!
Warm Up:
6 graduating 200m Runs
2 Handstands
10 Trunk Rotations
20 Arm Circles each way
L-Hold - Overhead
L-Hold - rings
L-Hold - PVC
Partner Pistols

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday July 22

600 M Run
10 perfect pushups

20 Box jumps
20 Jumping pull-ups
20 Kettlebell swings,
20 Walking Lunges
20 Knees to elbows
20 Push press, 35 pounds
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots
20 Burpees
20 Double unders
Do each with perfect form, no rushing.
time does not matter.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wed - 22nd

Juli Peterson and Tawney- Coach at the Basic Barbell Certification
held November 2009 @ CFAI

Continue Rest Week
Warm Up:
200 Jump Rope
15 KB Swing (light)
10 Inchworm Steps
10 Trunk Rotators
(3 rounds)


  • GHD - Ab, Back Extension, Hip Extension, Leg Curl
  • Med Ball Clean

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tuesday 7/21/09

all classes
all clients


Monday - 1st Day of REST week

Warm Up:
800m Run
1000m Row

30 second Hand Stand - 3 rounds - rest 30 seconds between rounds

30 Side Lying Shoulders Rotions - 3 rounds


  • PVC Burgener Warm Up
  • 3 Position Empty Bar Warm Up
  • Full Snatch from Ground - 3 reps - 3 rounds

Hard Stretch!!!

Tomorrow is @ the BEACH!!! All Private Clients and Classes meet at Sliders!!

Fitness Function Show
CLUB 14 FITNESS is teaming up with lululemon

What: Wine Tasting & Function/Trunk Show
When: Wednesday - July 22,2009 @ 7 pm
Where: CLUB 14 FITNESS - 1114 S. 14th Street

Come sample fabulous wines and see the
Latest in Fitness Fashion Wear.

Event is Free and Open to the Public, but there is
limited availability.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


150 jumpropes
5 pushups
10 KB's
15 squats
2 rnds


AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 Thrusters
men 115-95-75
women 85-65-55
10 Burpees

rest 5 min
50 wall balls for time

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday - July 17

Since next week is a "Rest"/Skill Week....
we better do some:

Warm Up:
1 Mile Jog

DB Shoulder Press
Double Unders
Clapping Push Ups

? Haven't met Tabata yet ???? Come find out what the fuss is all about... is getting scored and 'on the board'...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday July 16

10 Walking lunges
10 PVC PassThroughs
10 Frog hops
10 Good Mornings
2 rounds

800m Run
30 KB Swings
500m Row
30 KB Swings
200 Jump Ropes
30 KB Swings

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday - July 15 - FGB

Don't let this happen to your Wall Ball today!!!! :-)
"Fight Gone Bad"
Warm Up:
150 Jump Rope
15 Hang Clean - empty bar
10 Parellette Push Ups
10 Jumping Lunges (ea leg)
(3 rounds)
"Fight Gone Bad"

The CrossFit workout is ‘Fight Gone Bad.’ In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point. The stations are:

Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box jump (Reps)
Push-press (Reps)
Row (Calories)

Monday, July 13, 2009

200 M Row
200 M Run
50 Abmat suitups
2 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air squats
as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes
Happy Birthday HOLLEY!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday - July 13

OHS with the Kids @ The First Surf Clinic - Saturday
Special THANKS to Chad, Will N., Katy, Joe, Donna, Roy, Cody, Joe-Jo, Maggie, Bob, Rae, William R., and all the others I am forgetting - that helped out on Saturday. We ALL did it together. You guys ROCK.

Warm Up:
9 Back Extensions
500m Row
15 OHS - PVC
100 Jump Rope
(3 rounds)

Deadlift (Empty Bar)
Clean (Empty Bar)

Deadlift (Bodyweight)
50 Ab Mat Sit Ups sprinkled in between each round

Lowering Barbells

Lowering Barbells
By Jim Schmitz
U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team Coach 1980, 1988 & 1992
Author of Olympic-style Weightlifting for Beginner & Intermediate Weightlifters Manual and DVD LOWERING AND MEETING THE BARBELL

“Weightlifting is about lifting the barbell up, not lowering it,” said 1980 U.S. National champion and Olympian, Jim “Butch” Curry. That statement is quite true; however, all weightlifters really do need to learn and know how to lower a barbell safely so as not to hurt themselves, or anyone else, or damage the equipment. What I am really referring to here is lowering the barbell back to your shoulders when doing reps in the overhead lifts—military press, push press, push jerk, jerk—and behind-the-head lifts, such as overhead squats. Also, the same lowering principles apply when doing the lifts from the thighs or hang position.

If you have jerk blocks, you may not think this article applies to you. For those who may not know what jerk blocks are, they are two very large, wooden, solid, and strong boxes approximately 1-1/2’ to 2’ wide and about 3’ long where the barbell plates rest. The height is adjustable so that you need to do about a 1/4 to 5/8 squat to lift the barbell up to your standing, get-set-for-overhead-lifting position. When you complete your jerk, or whatever overhead lift you are doing, you don’t have to lower the bar back to your shoulders, you can just drop it on the blocks, and then get set and do another rep. Jerk blocks are nice if you can afford them and have space for them.

Since most people don’t have jerk blocks, they need to learn how to lower the barbell back to the deltoids and clavicles without wear and tear. Most of us began our weightlifting with home exercise barbell sets usually in the garage. Also, we began very light and the first overhead lift we did was the military press. Naturally, lowering the weights then wasn’t an issue as they were pretty light. When we got stronger, however, we realized that heavier weights could create a fair amount of pain and discomfort to the clavicles and deltoids, especially if you were on the lean side. You could create the same pain and discomfort lowering the barbell behind your head for behind-the-head lifts, and you could injure or strain your upper and/or lower back as well. So, you either figured out how to lower the barbell under control and meet the bar, or maybe you took up another form of exercise.

It’s best to learn proper lowering techniques in the beginning of your weightlifting career, but if you didn’t, it is never too late. When lowering the barbell from overhead in front of your face, you lower it under control and look at the bar by tilting your head back slightly; as the bar gets to your nose you unlock your knees slightly. When the bar is at your neck and just as it touches your clavicles and deltoids, bend your legs and flex your hips to absorb the weight. Your legs act like springs or shock absorbers—meet the bar with your clavicles and deltoids and absorb the impact with your legs. Your elbows need to be up and out in front of you, with your deltoids up as well, to provide a place for the barbell to land. The legs only need to bend a couple of inches or so, depending on the weight—the lighter the weight, the less the legs bend. Then you straighten up and get set for your next rep. I tell people this technique is a lot like catching a ball: you have to give a little, you can’t be rigid.

Lowering the barbell behind your head can be a little tricky; many people have trouble with this because obviously you can’t watch the bar. You don’t want it to hit your head or your neck; you want it to land on your traps so that it doesn’t slide down your back. As you are lowering the barbell under control, you have to bring your head forward slightly to expose your traps for the place for the bar to land. When the bar touches the traps, bend your legs a couple of inches or so and flex your hips to absorb the weight, just as when lowering in front.

When lowering the barbell either in front of or behind your head, you want your posture as straight upward as possible. There has to be a slight backward bend when lowering in front and a slight forward bend when lowering in back, but you must keep this to a minimum.

Lowering the barbell to the thighs when you are doing repetition lifts from the hang position uses the same principle. After you’ve done your hang snatch or clean, lower the barbell under control by turning your wrists over as the barbell passes your shoulders. Slow the descent of the barbell by maintaining a slight resistance against it; don’t just let it free fall. When the bar touches the thighs, bend the knees a couple of inches or so and flex your hips to absorb the weight.

Practice correct and good technique when lowering weights, don’t take it for granted. Lowering the barbell while doing repetitions is a very necessary skill and technique and will save your body for lifting weights UP.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunday - Rest Day

Photos from the FIRST SURF Clinic

Friday, July 10, 2009

BEACH WOD - Saturday

Sliders Beach
Be there on Satruday the 11th at:

*the WOD will be discussed at the Beach...but will be self-directed. We will love to have you join us...but may be working with the kids at the FREE First Surf Clinic. Come join the fun and get in a terrific WOD. It is going to be a perfect day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Friday - July 10

Looking for some CrossFit Volunteers
Tomorrow - Saturday
Would you be willing to donate any of your time to teach some of our CrossFit methods to the Youth of Amelia Island? Many of us will be at Sliders Beach tomorrow (Sat) from 8a-5p teaching the kids at the First Surf Clinic how we exercise at CrossFit. As a result it looks like tomorrows WOD is going to be at the BEACH!

Friday Warm Up:
PVC Burgener Warm Up

Behind Neck Jerk (power or push)

400m Backward Run
11 Reverse Grip Pullups
11 Behind the Neck Push Jerks (Snatch Grip)
(3, 4, or 5 rounds)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

150 Jump Ropes
5 LawnMower Pushups
5 Pullups
2 Rounds

50 Abmat Situps
21 Burpees
20 Push Jerk
25 Knees to Elbows
15 Burpees
10 Push Press
10 GHD situps
9 Burpeees
5 Shoulder Press

M=75, W=55

Maggie Pulling out a Deadlift at the CF Games
(an eye of extreme scrutiny is judging her...)
Warm Up:
5 Push Ups
8 Jack La Lane Toe Touches
2x High Knee Skips
15 Back extensions
10 Air Squat Jumps
(3 rounds)

1 arm Deadlift

5 - One arm Deadlifts
20 Double Unders (DU's)
(5 rounds)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tuesday 7/7/09

July 4th Moon

Lunge up steps (skipping step)
backward lunge down steps
15 DB Bench Press on floor
8 Windshield Washers
15 DB Row
2 rounds

3/4 Badger
20 Cleans (bottom to bottom)
20 Pullups
600 M Run
3 rounds

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monday - July 6th

Julie cranking out some Sit Ups!
Warm Up:
cold (symantics...I know...) 1 mi run for time
(as hard as you can go!)
then...10 minute REST
and then...
Shoulder Press Progressions
90% 1RM - 3 Push Press
(5 Rounds)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Images

What a Great Day for the Beach!