Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday WOD

25 KB Swing
25 GHD situps
25 Back extensions
25 Knees to Elbows

L1 = 5 Rounds
L2 = 4 Rounds
L3 = 3 Rounds


kate w said...

okay, so this WOD kicked my butt. i was slow, but i made it through 5 rounds. a great way to start this beautiful saturday! see everyone on monday! let's go TREVOR

Taylor said...

125 knees to elbows = NO JOKE! Good times. Nice having a motivated Kate doing 5 rounds with me.

joe waldrop said...

5 rounds but not in the exact order

katybug said...

5 rounds and was completely exhausted the entire time. Went home and spent the entire day outside doing yardwork and now I am at work, not to get home until around midnight. Tired? yea, I'm tired, but I'll see yall Monday.