Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friday's WOD

By Land & By Sea

Complete the following for time:
* Row 1000m
* Run 800m
* Row 750m
* Run 600m
* Row 500m
* Run 400m
* Row 250m
* Run 200m
You can do this workout starting with the run or row first.


Coach Tanner said...

Taylor - great post. Love the pics. Can't wait to do this one...

Taylor said...

I'm looking forward to this one as well. The 600m run will be our 200m run with an immediate 400m run, so we can measure properly.

Today's music for the WOD is also based on the land (or running on it) and the sea. like this!

Coach Lane said...

Today's query: When you post...let us know how much water you are drinking per day. Please post in ounces. Be honest! This is a quick check during these changing temps outside.

toggle26 said...

33:21 for today's WOD. Running is hard on me. I'd say I average six 8 oz = 48 oz per day. Probably another 24 oz or more when riding long distance. richard

Biagini said...

33:42, very slow going...but- enjoyed the company as they were very encouraging. about 60-70 oz of water per day, but trying to push more.

Taylor said...

Weird schedule today had me doing this WOD at the gym on base, which means using a crappy old rower that needs to die and then a treadmill that I had to restart at each leg of the run. Got through it though in 22:10.

Already downed about 96oz which is about right for me. Probably average between 150-180oz a day. Sounds like a I might be trying to drown myself, but my legs are hollow and I sweat out a ton during my workouts. I love smartwater! Get some if you've never tried it.

joe waldrop said...

time 27:36 about 120 oz of water

katybug said...

Does Iced Tea count:)

alisa said...

20:??, this was a great workout, I wish I would have pushed myself to do the 800m run and the 1000m row. I average 45 to 60oz a day. On workout days I try to get more in.

DON_M said...

28:57 - that was a great work out. was definetly a good one to do before a day of jack-hammering the master bath floor!!!

DON_M said...

oh yeah - 118 oz's (3500 mL)of H2O per day.