Monday, May 12, 2008

5/13/08 WOD


500 M Row
12 BW Deadlifts
20 Box jumps

3 Rounds
200 situps


toggle26 said...

Did the BW deadlifts with 115 lbs. Workout felt great. I think my week off with not even riding my bike was a good deal - was feeling run down and beat up after 3 60 mile rides, 5K, 15 mile ride each day + CF 5 x week. And I don't feel like I've slipped backwards at all. richard

Alyson said...

After Saturday's big lifts (topping out at 170# deadlift) I was feeling pretty confident going in to this workout. It seems I was not recovered properly though and my back and I ended up in an intense battle after 1500m row, 40 box jumps, 4 deadlifts at 135# and 14 deadlifts at 115#. The back won the workout battle and I ended with a big DNF:( I am feeling much better and moving around well, so I am encouraged. I expect a quick recovery. No worries, no regrets. Thanks for the ice, Leslie.

Biagini said...

i am feeling stronger with the endurance factor and i feel like i am starting to understand the concept of pacing myself. i only did the deadlift with 65lbs. once i understood to lean forward, the weight distribution felt better...whole body worked and took the pressure off my knees.

Coach Tanner said...

Missed the 9:00 crowd. Good job everyone! Annie was in a play at school so I couldn't miss that! I did the WOD after DL 125# and finished in 15:ish. Did not have time for the situps though. Liked the workout, good mixture of cardio and lifting. Doable - was worried after I struggled to get out of bed this AM.

kaze2tt said...

Enjoyed the workout Leslie! A good challenge (was feeling pretty beat up after yesterday). 115#for all 3 sets of DLs, step ups on the box jumps & managed to squeak out the 200 situps. Not the fastest but felt good.


DON_M said...

I feel every bit of yesterdays work out! Thanks Again! Decided to stay home and rest today, ended up doing the 200 sit ups.

Coach Lane said...

One of my favorite workouts. A true challange to row and then pull again in DL
DL = 255#

Love the participation on the BLOG. Thank you all for expressing your comments. It truly helps our community grow! Great job on the workout everyone.