Welcome home Journey Missions Team! "Trevor" tomorrow!The 2nd Annual Trevor Win’E Memorial Day Challenge is Monday at 9:30 a.m. This is an invitation for the CrossFit Amelia Island students, friends, and family to join together on Memorial Day to raise money to purchase cooling vests for members of our military serving overseas. It’s also a challenge to participate in a team fitness event at the CFAI "Sandbox" on May 26, 2008 simultaneously with ALL CF affiliates world-wide. The Challenge is in memory of Army SPC Trevor Anthony Win’Efrom Orange City who was killed in action near Mosul, Iraq on May 1st, 2004. "Entry fees" (not mandatory) are 'donations' to the memorial fund to purchase the vests. Suggested donation is $20.
When: 9:30 a.m.
Where: CFAI Sandbox - 1114 South 14th Street
Why: Support our troops overseas
Cost: Suggested donation of $20
Who is invited: All fitness levels, all ages - workout will be modified for all attendees
What is the workout?
300 Pullups
400 Push ups
500 Sit ups
600 Squats
-4 person teams can enter together; but we will probably divide everyone up who is not on a team prior to starting tomorrow.
-2 team members will be working out while the other two people are 'resting'.
-each person completes as many repetitions as possible then rests while another team member begins exercising.
-Do only as many reps as you feel 'comfortable' with
-The first team to finish will get a complimentary CFAI t-shirt
-Second place team will all get journals
-Third place team will all receive bumper stickers
*Wear your CFAI t-shirts and represent!!! Any color!
For more information on Trevor Wine - please see: