Monday, October 12, 2009

10 Bottom to Bottom Airsquats
5 Knees to Elbows
3 solid pushups
3 Rounds

400 M lunge with 1 arm Overhead Dumbbell (M=30, W=15)

On your way to the box office if you drop your arm, you must put your weight down and run to box office then return to weight and continue lunging.

On your way back, same rules apply, except for you must run to back gym doors if arm lowers.
Upon completion, you must do 100 Abmat situps.


Coach Lane said...

6pm Class completed all Lunges to the Movie Theatre with non-dominant hand then switched on the way back for the dominant hand. I was very impressed with the shoulder and elbow "lock-out". Most everyone had extremely deep lunges. Way to go TEAM!

Alyson said...

wow, that was a tough workout! loved crazy sore two days later. can't remember my time exactly. i think it was 31:50- i used 10#.