The "Newton Gang"
Saturday, March 22
Explosive Lifting Clinic
300 m Row
18 Forward traveling Jumping Lunges
12 Dumbbell Thrusters - "light"
10 Box Step Ups
(2 rounds)
No today...but practice on your own: Jumping Ring Dips
WOD: Courtesy CF Daytona:
25x deadlift @ 70% body weight
25x box jump @ 20" box
20x deadlift " "
20x box jump " "
15x deadlift " "
15x box jump " "
rest 3 minutes
20x deads @ 80%
20x box jump @ 20"
15x deads " "
15x box jump " "
10x deads " "
10x box jump " "
rest 3 min
15x deads @ 90%
15x box jump @ 20"
10x deads
10x jump
5x deads
5x jump
rest 3 min
8x deads @ 100%
8x jump @ 20"
5x deads " "
5x jump " "
3x deads " "
3x jump " "
- Complete each round as fast as possible BLOG time and weight used
- L3=Complete 2 rounds
- L2=Complete 3 rounds
- L1 =Complete all 4 rounds
step ups were on 24 inch box off the curb. 135 4:19 155 3:56
175 2:28 195 1:18
I think I have an advantage since last years body weight was 220 and lower now to 190 makes this a little easier.
This WOD is actually written by Robert from CF Daytona. CF Jax, CF Hypoxia, and CF Daytona, are completing/comparing with the same WOD on Thursday's. This week; we will be doing a WOD on Wednesday - that they will be doing on Thursday. Please feel free to check their Blog's for competitive times.... - each affiliate is listed on the side bar of our Blog.
loved this WOD. it looked pretty wicked, but ended up being a fun and doable one!
115 6:12
135 5:25
150 4:40
165 3:04
Will be feeling this for a while.
135 5:14
150 3:53
165 2:31
185 1:08
Loved this!!
95 6:31
105 5:20
125 3:44
135 2:15
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