Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

All about Choices...
Run 5K, Row 5K
or if you did not do the Thursday's WOD...
Do it, your buns will thank you tomorrow!
GOOD LUCK to all the CFit GATE River runners!!!
to name a few: Joanne, Pam, Marc, Carol, I forgetting anyone???
Run hard, stay strong...let us kow your times!


Coach Lane said...

Question of the Day: Why is it so much easier to Row 5k than it is to run a 5k? (Include anything obvious in your thoughts!)

Unknown said...

Depending on pace, of course, I find a 5K run to be a walk in the park compared to a 5K row.....something about the monotony of the apparatus.

Biagini said...

i think maybe it has to do with your body proportion. i HATE running, but would rather run than row.