Thursday, October 2, 2008

Friday's WOD - To Be A Clean Kid Again!

"To Be A Clean Kid Again"
We are going to run around like a kid and do some cleans in the process! The frisbee drag/press in this WOD is shown in the video below. Have fun you crazy adults....I mean kids!

5 inch-worms
10 grasshoppers
15 wall ball cleans
Frisbee drag/press across the sandbox and back

L1 - 5 rounds for time
L2- 4 rounds for time
L3- 3 rounds for time

1. The inch worms will be done outside heading left down the alley then run to the 200m turnaround, then...
2. At the 200M turnaround, grasshoppers will be done in sets of two, so jumping over and back will be counted as one, then...
3. Run back to the CFAI door where we will have the wall balls set up for the cleans (women -14# men-20#) on the matted deck outside, then...
4. Inside for the frisbee drag/press like in the video...rinse, repeat! Smile, you like this!!!


toggle26 said...

did L3 in 16:20. Seemed silly but is a tuff real workout.

Taylor said...

Good work this morning Dawn Breakers! Silly stuff can get serious...
I got in a little before 5:30 this morning so I could put myself through it and make sure it was truly silly and serious at the same time. Yeah, it was...
I did 5 rounds with a 20# ball in 21:10.

Coach Lane said...

Did this will all my Private Coaching students as well. Great WOD. It does look easy...but it will sting you if you aren't careful.

MartiQ said...

L1 19.52 This was a fun workout!