Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wed; Dec 2 - Ben's Programming Week!

CrossFit Kids in Action! Now...who says the box is too high for them to jump?

Warm Up:

25m Jog - Butt Kickers
25m - Warrior Pose
25m - Karaoke25m - Frankenstein + Toe Touch
25m - Walking Lrg Arm Circles
(2 rounds)

In teams of 2
Plank & Step Up competition
Team member A holds a plank while team member B performs 2 step ups. Team member A does not stand up until Member B gets into a plank and then A performs 4 step ups. Then A gets into a plank and B does 6 step ups. This goes on increasing step ups by 2 reps each time until the plank can not be held any longer.

5 RFT(rounds for time):
20 wall ball shots (20/14)
10 OHS (95/65)
20 Ab Mat sit ups

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