Was great working out with Missionary Robert Jackson from Guatemala in the Sandbox last week. Robert came up last weekend - to spend some time with last year's Guatemala team. If you missed him...don't fret! You can have your chance to see him again in October 2010. Please email Doug for details! (Thanks for representing in your CFAI shirt for the volcano photo RJ - just outside of Antigua) In 2010, we are hoping to take some Sandbox students to teach CF methods to the Guatemalan military.Warm Up:15 Jumping Ring Dips
15 Step Ups
15 FULL leg swings
15 Inch Worms
15 "FEET-to-BAR" leg Raises
(3 rounds)
WOD: 'Lil Eva T- 800m Run
- 30 KB Swings
- 30 Pull Ups
Due to time restraints....we may have to limit this one a bit - but here goes:
L1 = (M-2 pood, 4 rounds) (W-24k, 4 rounds)
L2= (M-24k, 4 rounds - band pull ups) (W- 16k, 4 rounds - band pull ups)
L3= (M-24k, 3 rounds - band or jump PU's) (w-12 or 16k, 3 rounds, band or jump PU's)
PS -
Please try to make it WED for the 12 days of CrossFit Christmas!!!!
Coach Lane,
I forgot part of the routine for the air squat.
You start with the legs bent as if you are going to lower the barbell when doing the deadlift. When you jump up and land do you have the legs as when you started or straight?
No worries about the early class Coach. Everyone adjusted the workout as needed.
Did 800m, 24gk kb, GHB situps - 3 rnds co:ld
Sorry about the early class guys, I was supposed to be there but there was no way, I was very sick and had planned to try and make it anyhow but by the time I opened my eyes again 6:30 had come and gone. Chad will be there for with you guys tonight. Katy
FYI: I was talking about Mon am, if nobody showed up to teach tues. am I was out of that loop sorry guys:)
congrats to the rowers that hit the 100k mark tonite.. Strong work.
Mark - thank you for the question. Are you speaking about the air squat OR I think you may be talking about "bar jumps"....???? If you are speaking about bar jumps, here are a few of the que's:
-feet shoulder width; toes out slightly
-clean(shoulder width grip on bar)
-knees are bent w/weight on heels
-chest is elevated with shoulders back
-back is arched as shoulders are squeezed toward butt (behind you)
-jump as high and explosively as possible
-landing should be with flexed (cushion) knees and feet slightly wider than you jumped with.
-arms remain straight during the entire lift.
I hope that helps! Please call me if I have this completely wrong.
Thank you for the BLOG chatter....IF YOU have a question...I know I have probably explained it wrong to 10 other people...so I truly appreciate the opportunity to continue to perfect the lifts with you.
Coach Lane,
Thanks for you response. Yes I am talking about the bar jump.
On the landing the knees are bent? Not sure what you mean about flex.
That's correct Mark. After you jump, the landing should have knees bent in almost a "cushion landing" - especially at this stage of your training. We may modify this later on... but for now a HIGH, EXPLOSIVE jump will provide the necessary training and a cushion landing will keep your joints healthy.
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