Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Benedikt Magnusson Deadlifts 426kg (937lbs!). Image credit: Egill Bjarki.

400m Run
20 Plate Circles Overhead
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Kips on High Rings
20 Air squats
(2 Rounds)

2 x 3RM Weight, Rest 1 minute between each
Add more weight, rest for 4 minutes
2 x 2RM Weight, Rest 1 minute between each
Add more weight, rest for 4 minutes
1RM x 4 (1-1-1-1), Rest 3 minutes between each

NOTE: You MUST not only lift the bar to full standing position but you CANNOT drop it until you have lowered it below your knees. Check out this link: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-deadlift-with-proper-technique/


Andre said...

A disappointing 225# 1RM

Roy said...


TG said...

AWWWWESOME Job by the 6pm class!! Congrats to Barry, Mike, Carol, KCJ, Christina, Dawn, Adam and Emma who all had Personal Best 1RM Deadlifts today! YAHOO!

MartiQ said...

175# 1RM
not my best. last time did 185#

Coach Lane said...

I think we may have had 10-12 new PR's today on the dead. The a.m. "Mom's morning class" is trying to change their name to:

"CrossFit Sheira - Princesses of Steel".


Also going to call out Durand and Hank - 300lbs at 165lbs bodyweight...not too shabby!

Ideally...we are looking for a 1.75-2x bodyweight Deadlifting 1RM.