...your CFAI Coaches are using this week for a ramp up to some great 1st of the year WOD's. Don't miss this week...or you will be sorry! :-)
Warm Up:
15 Air Squats
10 KB Swings
5 PUsh Ups
25 Ab Mat Sit ups
10 High Knee Skips w/each leg
(3 rounds)
Class Skill:
Pull-ups - before the kip...
400 m Run
15 OHS (overhead squats) (M=95 / w=55)
3, 4, or 5 rounds
Don't mean to whine, but OHS are sooo hard. 4 rounds with #55. Need to work on getting low, low, low.
The OHS seemed to get easier as we progressed through the rounds. Was going for three rounds, but did four with a little push. Rowed 500 meters instead of running. 4 rounds #45 19:36
I think the plan to work on skills for a month is fantastic! And I love starting with pull-ups. Always thought I could do better pull-ups if I worked on them but lacked discipline.
Did 4 rounds in 18:35. Did first round with 55 lbs but sloppy form. Switched to 35 lbs for rest and could get much lower. richard
5 rounds 75 lbs 22:39, need to work on getting low
What a way to start a Monday a.m. Did 5 rounds, 1st with 55 lbs., then dropped to 45 lbs. 19:15
Great way to shake off the holidays.
5 Rounds
OK no Crossfit for like 3 weeks really stinks your first day back. 4 rounds 45# 12:55
Remember...this is just the "ramp up" week for the start of the New Year! We won't make it too hard until next year...
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