Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You Ain't Got a Thing if you Ain't Got that Swing...

Pullup Clinic
Been jumping way too long, come tomorrow and learn the progression...
jumping with a swing,
swinging to kipping
and there you have it...the pullup!


Coach Tanner said...

Think this was helpful to most. Jo Baker is sooo close, but she never blogs so she will not see her kudos. Hook up your computer!!!
Thanks for listening and working on a critical CFit skill. Practice - you will feel it!

Chris said...

Lots of Fun, great advice on technique.

Coach Lane said...

Great instructional day LT. Thought the information was very well presented, well thought out, and the progression was perfect. Great job! :-) As we all (myself included) continue to practice the kipping pull-up - pick 1 or 2 weaknesses wihin the chain of events and focus on perfecting them. Eventually - it becomes second nature.

CFAI is still promoting the straight body/hips elevated swing - practiced 3 times weekly for 2 weeks. Please perform 20-30 swings each exercise session; and we can all but guarantee you will be performing the kpu by the end of the 2 weeks.

Swing on...swingers...