Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday - Rest Day

Did we Win?
Rest Today!
You all did awesome in our competition with

Monday: Annie are you o.k.? - WOD thrown out and times discarded...although you all pushed 110%. All us coaches loved seeing that! :-) Way to go CFAI. Personally, I really liked the idea of this WOD, due to having a "group" time. As a group, we become stronger. In future competitions...we will have to continue with this format. Love the teamwork!

Tuesday: Grace - top 3 male and top 3 female times will be added together and added to our total time.

Taylor - 135 lbs - 4:19
Chris - 135 - 4:16
Doug - 135 - 3:40
Kate - 75 - 3:01
Leslie - 75 - 4:46
Martinique - 75 - 7:37
Total = 27m 39s

Friday: 800m Run - Now....granted we didn't run on the track, but I still think we are pretty darn close with the accuracy of our distance. Next time, we will have to use the track -'fo sure.
Taylor - 2:35
Chad - 2:56
Hank - 2:40
Martinique - 3:14
Kate - 2:57
KCJ - 3:02
Total = 17m 24s
Same format - top 3 women and top 3 men.

Saturday: 500m Row - same format - top 3 men and top 3 women
Joe - 1:31
Taylor - 1:26
Doug - 1:28
Liza - 2:27 (10 years old...)
Kate - 1:46
Leslie - 1:56 (Previous WOD)
Total = 10m 34s
Grand Total time: 55m 37 s (please double check all my math...)

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