Monday, June 9, 2008

WOD - Tuesday

Amy and Nancy During their recent Level 1 Certification


Pick your SINGLE most hated Gymnastics move...(we are going to work on ONLY that one)

Pull-ups - push ups - Ab mat sit-ups - Hand Stands - Squats - Burpees - Crab Walk - Bruce Lee Push ups - Dips - Muscle ups - Lunges - etc...

3 rounds - Coaches will decide how many reps you need to do tomorrow! :-)



400m run

21 Kettlebell Swings

12 Pull-ups


* This is one of our "Benchmark" workouts to be used to advance your shirt level! Rock on!

*Eat right tonight, get plenty of sleep, and come ready having comsumed a 'pre-game' meal an hour prior to your WOD.

*Challenge yourselves Tuesday! Push hard!

Alyson 'rockin' the Kate Ride for Life


Coach Lane said...

Wednesday WOD is going to be at the North Hampton Pool. is going to involve weight training. Bring your suits. We know it is "off island", but you won't want to miss this adventure. We have a great WOD planned and childcare at the NH playground...right next to the pool (9:30am class only). If you need childcare other than the 9:30a class...please email us at For any non-swimmers...once in the pool, you will always be able to touch the bottom of the pool with your head above the water. :-)

Coach Lane said...

North Hampton is about 15 minutes off the island...if you need directions..please email us. Hope you can make it!!! Fun, fun, fun.

Taylor said...

NOT FAIR!!! I'm stuck in D.C. until Thursday! I want to do this WOD. Doing Crossfit at the gym at the National Conference Center. Horrible equipment and not made for CF for sure, but I'm still representing and getting plenty of strange looks. Must be doing it right. ;>

Alyson said...

Loving the look of intensity on my face in that picture!

Biagini said...

17:47 and today felt good. worked on my kb form. thanks leslie for working with me.

Coach Lane said...

11m 18s
Felt good at 5pm, since the temp dropped about 10 degrees. I am impressed with Bob and Alyson - who worked out in the 90 degree heat and 3pm. Great job guys!

Alyson said...

That heat was definitely brutal for a Utah girl! I literally thought I was going to puke/pass out/die. I finished it though.
13:+ the heat ate the time out of my head.