Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wednesday's WOD

From our WOD Challenge from a couple of weeks ago comes "Adventure Mike". Stand aside Indiana Jones, Adventure Mike is the new summer blockbuster!!!
For time (do in order):
100 Squats
100 Pull-ups (Jumping x2)
100 Squats
800m run

Training Points:
BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front)- Put FORM FIRST! Proper form is your safety net and should be put ahead of speed and intensity every time. When you continue with poor form, injuries aren't a question of IF but WHEN.
Squats- *feet about shoulder-width apart
*feet pointing 30 degrees out
*start squat by moving butt out first (like you are closing a car door with it)
*lock that lumbar curve and core in as you descend - arms up!
*keep knees straight - don't let them roll in

Pullups- *arms fully extended in the down position and swing with chest
*use that momentum to kip your chin over the bar

Run- *keep chest up, shoulders back giving your lungs room to breathe
*don't cross your arms across your body, instead pump them relaxed at your side like you have ski poles in your hands pushing you across the ground.


Taylor said...

It was just Martinique ("What does push u-p-s mean?") and I this morning for Adventure Mike! It's a good workout!

Expect to see Adventure Mike again as a benchmark workout.
Focus on good form for the first time you do this workout. Then you can post an improved time in the future and you start with doing the exercises properly.

I did Adventure Mike in 19:13.

If you haven't created a WOD named after you, give it a try and post here. Good chance you will see it as a future WOD on our blog. Have a great day!

Alyson said...

I have been out of the gym for a week and hating it. My lungs are fighting something, so I only did 1/2 Adventure Mike w/ 50 abmat sit-ups to replace the run. It was great to be back in. Time:12:50.

Coach Tanner said...

Adventure Mike was brutal. Ending up changing from 2X pullups to 100 situps for the rest of the day after 9:30 class. Everything else the same. Could not rip wombs further. GOdd Job - please remmeber to keep hydrated - it is HOT!!

Coach Tanner said...

wounds, and good. long day.

kate w said...

quite a WOD. was a good challenge though. 22:ish. thanks adventure mike!

apetroy said...

Great workout! I'm really feeling it today. 22:ish Amy

MartiQ said...

MartiQ WOD

50 double unders
50 squats
50 ab mat sit ups
50 back extentions


after 800m run