WOD - Monday
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons' wife and two children. Today's workout is curteousy of CF East. They are doing the workout on Tuesday. Let's show them how CFAI can represent!!!!Warm - up:300 Jump Rope Singles
Burgner Warm-up
WOD:75 reps Snatch for time
L1 - m=75#, w=45#
L2 - m=65#, w=35#
L3 - m=55#, w=25#
I didn't want to do this WOD, but I ended up really liking it. Quick kick in the can!
I did L1 Randy in 8:13.
I did my 500m row in 1:31. I've never been smoked so fast in my life. Felt great and then a minute and thirty-one seconds later...just worked!
Coach, how come L1 is listed for W at 45#??? We did 55#--is this a special torture for the 6:30 a.m. class?!
Did L1, 55# in 13:05 and the row in 2:05...took everything I had & more, lower back is little touchy after this one....
Nice workout today and really good to see video of my lousy form, thanks Dougy. I am actually glad you had us use the 55# or else I don't think it would have been as challenging (though form may have been better). L1 7:17/row:2:02
L1 75 lbs 9:44 I hate snatches but this was a great workout. Row was 1:40, Taylor I was gunning for your 1:31 which is an awesome time. The lowest time on the HQ website trophy case is 1:20.
L1 = 8 something. Row 1:59. Wow - thought it was a tough WOD. CrossFit Kids tomorrow afternoon. $5 a child - please come.
Great WOD everyone! I loved seeing the great improvements in form and technique. I "think" this is the 2nd or 3rd time we have done this WOD and everyone seems to be doing much, much better! As you found out...the last 25 reps are the ones that really count. Those are the reps when form really starts breaking down... That is when us coaches can really start helping you guys!
Maybe next time we should complete "Full Snatches"instead of power snatches. Anyone?
Randy: 6m 41s
500m: 1:29
I love this fast twitch anerobic stuff. I say that we throw out anything over 15 minutes and call it a day! :-) Kate started talking about doing a 5mi Carabbas Beach Run in October... Kate...why? Can't we all just live in a nice friendly anerobic weightlifting world?
Iron Rules - Doug
Shawn and Michelle Taylor -
Great job today! Way to work.
I'm all for that Carabbas Beach Run! Anything that rewards a run with beer and italian food has to be good...not zone friendly, but good...in a bad good way! I'm in!
7:19 with 55#
row 1:46 (before WOD)
tough but fast.
5 mi run on the beach? sounds fun, right? it is so beautiful out there and the reward is a huge bonus.
L1 = 8:01, Row 1:57. Good workout.
Great Workout! I'm Whipped!
Randy - 6:59
500m - 1:43
Randy L1 10:27 & 500m 1:58
The row was a good burn out!!
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