Thursday, June 19, 2008

WOD Friday

What do these people have in common?
Come find out tomorrow!!!

Warm up:
400m Run
5 Slow Motion Burpees - 5 seconds each
WOD: Tabata Stations
Ab Mat Sit-up
KB Swing
Air Squat
Push Press
Jumping Lunge
a) perform each exercise for 45 seconds
b) move to (rest) for 15 seconds before starting next station
c) perform 3 rounds total
d) record ONLY the LOWEST amount of reps on each round for each exercise
e) total only the lowest score for each exercise for any round
f) record total scores on BLOG


toggle26 said...

Total = 97. Wiped me out. richard

CD said...

TOTAL 163.

katybug said...

Total: 178 and the heat really sucks the life out of me. I dumped more water over my head than I actually drank. Great workout though.

kaze2tt said...

Total 145