Thursday, August 21, 2008

Right to the Core

15 Knees to Elbows
50 Abmat Situps
15 Body Weight Dead Lift
50 No Mat Situps
15 GHD Situps
(3 Rounds)

Welcome Robert!
Revised WOD - little harder than it looks! Enjoy!


Coach Tanner said...

Had to revise the WOD. Little tough than it looks. 3 Rounds. NO Row. Forgot my time, but have a feeling it will hurt to laugh or cough tomorrow!

Coach Lane said...

Ahhhhrrrrrr. Ouch
Does a total of 390 Ab contractions sound right??? Workin' on the Buddha.

The "Grill Out" party at Amy's will have a YES or NO answer to IF it is happening by 12 noon tomorrow.

If the Grill party doesn't happen this Friday at 5:30 - the "Rain Date" is set for next Friday at 5:30.

REGARDLESS of party - CLASS is cancelled for tomorrow (FRIDAY ) 6pm class for this week only.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Leslie for revising the WOD after I did the whole thing. Rowing 1000 meters. I feel like I have been ran over. But it was GOOD!! Missed LeighAnn!!!!