Rowing Maniacs!
250m Row
20 PVC Pass Thru's
100 Jump Rope
KB - One arm swing
Jump Rope
Hand Stand
Clean - m=65, w =55
Ab Mat
Pommel - hold
DB Lunge - m=20, w=10
Back Extension
Parellette Push up
- Each round 45 seconds
- 15 second rest/station switch
- 3 rounds
- 1 minute rest between rounds
- NO SCORES, NO "TIME" - just work on form
Two hard workouts in two days....gotta love it! Did a personal best yesterday on FGB--204...that 200 mark has been eluding me. Thanks for the encouragement Carolyn!
Today's workout was great---love the variety.
p.s. Leslie, come back to 6:30 a.m., we miss you
Liked the WOD today. It was nice to not be timed. Still soar from FGB.
variety is the spice to life - or so they say. it was strange not to have to count or do a certain number of reps. it was nice to have time to work on proper form. thanks doug. what will tomorrow bring?
Not sure if it is good to ask that Kate....could be dangerous...
Tina!!! Should I be offended??? :-) Actually...I miss Leslie teaching the 6:30a class too. Maybe next week??? O.K. - enough speculation.....
WOD - posted.
Will the beach be washed away for the run this weekend?
Enjoyed today's WOD. Agree to have no pressure for time and reps/weight once in awhile. Will be back next week for the early am duty. See you then if not before!
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