Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday WOD

Clean and Jerk - 30 reps for time. Gotta have that shrug.

Starts as a deadlift. Bottom out, chest up, do not look down, do not look up - straight out in front of you. Bar travel up shins. Bar MUST touch your thighs. Big shrug, getting under the bar, then rack it. Elbows out and high.

This is NOT a reverse curl. Get under the bar.


Coach Lane said...


Jo - 55lbs - 6:56
Al - 75 - 9:26
Clay - 135 - 7:09
Brad - 135 - 7:08
Richard - 75 - 9:57
Marge - 35
Dave - 95 - 7:43
Tina - 65 - 7:11
Tonya - 35 - 3:43
Carlin - 65 - 6:59
Chad - 95 - 7:10
Doug - 135 - 6:15
Chris - 95 - 6:04
Shannon - 35 - 4:05
Kate - 65 - 3:54
Don - 95 - 7:52
Barry - 95 - 7:42
Ian - 95 - 4:20

Great Workout today guys! Rock on.


Unknown said...

Hey Doug and Leslie! Ok, must have been doing something wrong because I did 30 clean and jerks @ 55lbs in 3:35 mins. Little bit of a surprise since everyone is ALWAYS lower weights for me during certs. I'm always at the bottom!! Maybe it was all of that Rippetoe coaching or maybe it's time to up the weight. Any advice? Cheryl

Coach Lane said...

Great job Cheryl! That is a totally realistic time for you. Please notice Kate's time with 65# and 3:54. I would recommend the next time you complete the workout to move up to 65#! Do you feel like you were doing a "Power Clean" to rack or squat clean?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments Doug - I believe i was doing a "power clean" to rack and then pushing it over my head for a push press. I agree w/ ya and think it's time to up the weight! I'll try #65 next time the WOD calls for power cleans! Thanks!