Monday, February 18, 2008

"Helen" and then some...

400m Run
21 KB Swings (M=24kg / W=16kg)
12 Pull-ups

Once completed and rested then...

5 Deadlifts
(2 Rounds)

Please post your times and comments. This workout is one of our "benchmark" workouts so please give it all you have got. I will be keeping track of Helen, Fran, and Grace for future reference and increasing your shirt level.

Blue shirt = >17 minutes (Level III)
Red Shirt = 17-12 minutes (Level II)
White Shirt = < 12 minutes (Level I)


Coach Lane said...

Marge - 17:30 - 8kg - 55DL
Tina - 16:19 - 16kg - 115DL
Clay - 14:34 - 24kg - 255DL
Jamie - 17:15 - 20kg - 205DL
Dave - 13:52 - 24kg - 205 DL
Richard - 17:40 - 12kg - 95DL
Carlin - 12;56 - 16kg - 155DL
Tonya - 14:47 - 12kg - 105DL

Nancy said...

Helen (redone)
12:08 - 25lb weight for KB; I'm still jumping on the pull-ups. Looking forward to the next WO.

Coach Lane said...

That's more like it North Carolina Nancy! I will expect those jumping pull-ups to turn into kipping pull-ups by March...

Nancy said...

I am expecting the same thing--looking forward to my instructional session at CFNC next weekend and working with you later in March. I will admit I'm a bit sore this morning :-)!!