Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rate Change

Rate Increase – March 2008

Thank you for being such a loyal customer and good friend of ours. As many of you know, CrossFit has continued to expand over the past 2 years and is now facing another point of growth. In March 2008, we will be dropping the rate of group training, expanding to offer semi-private training, and increasing our rate for private training.

Our newest addition; Semi-Private Training – will allow us to continue to keep your rates low and provide you with a “constantly moving” atmosphere. It is our hope that all students using this service will achieve a more-than-normal calorie burn along-side other like-minded students as you push each other. Of course, we will be matching ability levels for each group of 2-3 students during these times.
Cost: $50 session per student

Private Coaching will still be available for all students who continue to desire that little extra coaching. This is recommended for anyone that is rehabilitating an injury, needs an extra push, or just desires the added benefit of one-on-one training.
Cost: $90 session

We are dropping the rate on “unlimited” CrossFit Classes to $150/month. First, thank you for helping make CFAI a legitimate business. We definitely don’t have this whole model figured out yet…but we feel that we are slowly finding our way through the woods. One thing is certain - we owe any success achieved thus far to you … the customer. Ultimately, by offering you a better rate…we are hoping to see your smiling faces more often! Secondly, there was quite a bit of talk at the CF National Convention of creating an encouraging ‘family’ atmosphere. As you know, competition, encouragement, and successful training are all achieved by hard, consistent work. With this in mind, we would like to encourage you to come in 4-5 days/week.

Of course we will still be offering all students the same pricing on the once and twice per week options, but we hope that our new “unlimited” option will be so attractive and convenient that you will come a few more times to see us during your week.

In conclusion, we hope you will agree we are moving in the right direction. Actually, we are really trying to listen to your needs and accommodate you. If we have missed the mark, please let us know. Over the next year, we have more plans for growth that will benefit you! Here are a few of them:
More Concept II rowers
SLR Camera and Video Camera
Jump/Plyometric Boxes
Kettle bells
Men’s and Women’s Olympic Bars
Rubber Bumper Plates
Climbing Harness for Muscle-ups
Maybe even paint for the inside of the gym…..


toggle26 said...

I think the unlimited rate is a great idea. I would love to work out 4 or 5 times per week. I doubt I will be able to take full advantage of it unless you offer classes at 6:30 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Coach Lane said...

Thank you for the comment! Let us look at the schedule for March...there may be some room for the 6:30 a.m. class.

Count on a NEW class Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a.m. though...

If we did offer a 6:30 a.m. class do you know anyone who may be willing to come to the class who wouldn't normally be there? I would love to get another 2-3 'regulars' in the early class!!!


CD said...

sounds cool-- don't paint the gym