Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday WOD

30 KB Swings (16Kg or RX)
20 Double Unders
10 Pullups
5 Rounds

Sam (4-12KG) 16:45
Marty (4-12KG) 16:48
KT (3-12KG, 2 - 16KG) 19:57
Alyson (2-12KG, 3 - 16KG) 19:17
Joe (24KG) 25:45
Baker (12KG) 20:26
Billie Jo (16KG) 23:00
Laurie (12KG) 19:11
Carlin (30LB) 22:30
Leslie 16KG, 22:43
Nassau County Fire Rescue:
Brad - 20:35
Clay - 25:56
Al - 23min (3 rounds)
Jamie - 23 min (3 rounds)


Carlin said...

Great WOD!! Those KB swings are really hard. It was a little easier when I focused on pushing through with the hips at the top of the extension. All in all it kicked my butt.
Can't wait to see what's next.

Coach Lane said...

Nassau County Fire Rescue:
Brad - 20:35
Clay - 25:56
Al - 23min (3 rounds)
Jamie - 23 min (3 rounds)