Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday WOD


600 M Ball Run
3 X 10 push-ups
10 PVC Clean and Jerk


Waiters Walk (15-35 lb)
250 Row
10 Clean and Jerk (M-95, W-55lb)
10 L-leg raises
2 Rounds


toggle26 said...

I thought that was the hardest WOD so far! I'm still shaking.

Coach Tanner said...

I really want to do it. May have to try to make the 6pm class! I am proud of you and Marge! Hope to see you tomorrow!

Coach Lane said...

Richard - Great job. No doubt the Waiters walk followed by the Clean and Jerk is a tough combo. I will do my best to come up with something to challange you a little more in the upcoming weeks...

Great score/time.

Coach Lane said...

Dave - 23:24 - 25-95-20
Tina - 24:03 - 15-55-15
Richard - 23:20 - 15-55-15
Sam - 25:06 - 10-55-20
Charlotte - 14:57 - 10-Mod-Mod
Tonya - 20:32 -10-55-15
Alyson - 21:12 - 25-55-15
Hank - 20:32 - 25-55-20
Charlie - 20:55 - 10-35-0
Kate - 15:58 - 25-65-20
Shannon - dnf - 15-55-15
Barry - 17:06 - 25-75-20
Don - 18:24 - 25-75-20