Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wednesday, April 7th

I feel a beach day coming...

100 Jump Ropes
25 Jumping Ring Dips
20 High Knees
20 Arm Circles
(3 Rounds)

Thruster Review with Empty Bar
3 sets of 5 adding weight each time
*Think about keeping a great front rack position and massive hip extension.

  • Thruster 95 lbs (or appropriate weight as determined by your coach)
  • Pull-ups
21-15-9 reps, for time


Roy said...

Thanks to everyone for the extra encouragement!!!
5:58 personal best

Roy said...

Thanks to everyone for the extra encouragement!!!
5:58 personal best

Mark Etheridge said...

Morning Coach Lane,

I have a few questions. As we discussed I work out twice a week and you said to alternate the deadlift and the squat between those days while doing the over head Squat and the components for the clean, but do you want me to continue with the WOD you designed (Row 500 meters/Jumping pull ups/crunches abmat/kettle ball swing) x 4?

Also I have started to increase the cycling mileage. I average 180 to 210 miles a week with 2 days in the gym and 1 day off in the week. Do I need to tailor this?

TG said...

AWWWESOME Job by the 6PM crew! Way to work on the new technique and still achieve some new personal bests:)

Coach Lane said...

Thank you for the question(s). You are most definitely in the process of graduating and we may need to look at your annual training plan. Coach Newton talked about this in the Performance Keys Seminar. Please email me where you are at:

1. Off Season
2. Pre-Season
3. In-season (or)
4. Transition

This may help us determine which lifts and more importantly how much energy should be going into your lifting!